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BestInFlexo 2022, flexo printing takes center stage

bif sala

The two days in Bologna promoted and organized by Atif, the reference technical association for Italian companies operating in the flexographic printing sector, which brought together more than 200 jobs and brought together around 400 operators in the flexographic industry, ended successfully , during which we were awarded the second place in the "Post-print coated corrugated board" category.
This recognition fills us with satisfaction, recognizing our constant commitment to quality and innovation. A big thank you to all our guys from the technical and production department!

progetto 2Above the project with which we obtained the second place in the "Post-print coated corrugated cardboard" category.

What is flexo printing?
It is a particular direct rotary printing, which uses relief matrix plates in rubber and photopolymeric materials, called clichés.
Mainly used for packaging, it has played a very important role in the development of printing techniques.

Ghelfi Ondulati S.p.A.
Via dei Lavoratori 10
23010 Buglio in Monte (SO)

C.F. / P.IVA IT00127070142
R.E.A. n. 29515
Reg. Imprese Di Sondrio
N. PR - 00127070142
Cap. Soc. € 2.000.000,00 i.v.

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