fbpx Bauletto sila - Ghelfi Ondulati

Bauletto sila

Packaging made to transport and display products in bags such as stews, soups, risotto, dried fruit, and so on.


Similar to the Sila model, adapted to the eye-catching shape of the case.


Thanks to its special form, it facilitates good circulation between the palletised packages to ensure a better air-flow and cooling capacity for the product.

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Ghelfi Ondulati S.p.A.
Via dei Lavoratori 10
23010 Buglio in Monte (SO)

C.F. / P.IVA IT00127070142
R.E.A. n. 29515
Reg. Imprese Di Sondrio
N. PR - 00127070142
Cap. Soc. € 2.000.000,00 i.v.

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