Packaging made to transport and display products in bags such as stews, soups, risotto, dried fruit, and so on.
Similar to the Sila model, adapted to the eye-catching shape of the case.
Thanks to its special form, it facilitates good circulation between the palletised packages to ensure a better air-flow and cooling capacity for the product.
Ghelfi Ondulati S.p.A.
Via dei Lavoratori 10
23010 Buglio in Monte (SO)
+39 0342 623000
+39 0342 620533
C.F. / P.IVA IT00127070142
R.E.A. n. 29515
Reg. Imprese Di Sondrio
N. PR - 00127070142
Cap. Soc. € 2.000.000,00 i.v.
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